Matt’s Rules of Financial Coaching

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Matt's Rules of Coaching

I have 3 rules that serve as a foundation of my financial coaching sessions. While I am just starting up a formal coaching business, I have been offering financial coaching and mentoring informally for over 5 years. As I have reflected, these three rules were present in my impactful conversations.

  1. It is your money; you decide to do with it what you want. 

    • Many people will give their opinion; you decide which opinions fit your family's vision and plan.

  2. I will provide you with information and recommendations. I will not dictate a decision. 

    • The core goals of my financial coaching is to instill hope, provide information, and equip clients with skills and resources to handle finances confidently and wisely. You can feel free to disagree with me or choose to go against a recommendation I provide, and I am willing to engage in a conversation about any of my financial principles.

  3. This is a zero judgement conversation.

    • A lot of feelings go into conversations about money. One of the things I will work to do is create a space to have an honest conversation. Everyone I have ever met has made mistakes with money. Not everyone has the same financial principles. Please know that my priority is to walk with you towards your goals, and there is no reason to worry about a judgement from me. If I have a question or concern, I will raise it. We may disagree on some things, and in that case, refer back to rule 1.

    • Some questions you can anticipate from me are "do you believe that is the wisest choice?" or "would you give up x in order to obtain y?" or "how does that fit in your family's list of priorities?". These are honest questions without judgement. Keep rule 1 in the picture and it allows us to have an honest conversation.

If this does not work for you, that is fine! We might not be a good fit for a coach-client relationship. I want to see people succeed and these three rules allow me to help people while holding onto healthy boundaries. Outside of these rules, coaching sessions look different based on the needs and personalities of the clients.