Three Zones of Focus
Here it is!
One of the things I have worked on, on and off, for over a year is an eBook. I wrestled with the imperfections, the missing details, the potential for a perceived hypocrisy, but I have a story that can encourage and empower and motivate others. So I want to share it.
It is the story about how my wife and I shifted our perspective financially, how we paid off 90k in student debt less than 4 years after college, how we have managed to avoid a car payment, how we went from being overwhelmed and frustrated to confident and hopeful.
This story helps in part to explain my confidence that I can figure things out, like George Lopez from the early 2000s “I got thissss”.
The story goes through our framework for finances, how we work to maintain steadiness in the midst of unfortunate or undesirable circumstances. This framework gives us confidence and hope about what lies ahead financially, and allows us to encourage others.
This framework is built around three zones of focus that inform any major or minor financial decision we make as a family. And this framework creates a system of steadiness.
There are absolutely days where I experience stress or frustration financially, don’t hear what I am not saying. Circumstances are still a frustration from time to time; I still bear the weight and feel the stress of providing for my family. I have places where I vent those, and have no desire to hide that. But in my eBook, I lay out the lens with which we approach our finances as a whole.
This lens, this framework, allows us to be confident and hopeful as we endure the ups and downs of life. And I explain how this framework can work for you too.
My hope is that you will support by purchasing and reading through it, and that you will feel encouraged and even empowered by this story! For just $4, you can get a glimpse into the framework with which we approach our finances, and you can take away some ideas to help you become more confident and hopeful as you approach your finances.
Many blessings!