A Life Worth Remark

What is this?

Over the past several months, I have spent more time contemplating, pondering, and meditating. I have been praying specifically for a direction. Some things were stirring in my heart, but I did not know what to do with them. Honestly, some of those things have been stirring since the summer of 2020. I started a podcast with my younger brother, but we set that down after just five episodes. We both had other priorities.

But here I am again, putting some content out there.

Something deep inside of me wants to impact others, and I know that the online world offers great opportunity to do that. At the same time, I want to continue investing directly into the lives of people through deep and genuine one-on-one conversations.

After months of preparation and thought and consideration, A Life Worth Remark is born.

At some point, someone is going to speak words about me. When I leave a job, when I move to a new city, or simply at my funeral, someone will speak some words over the life I lived. What remarks will they share? Will I have lived a life and spent any amount of time living in a way that is worthy of remarks? I have been chewing on the word “remarkable” for months now. It is actually a simple word with such weight behind it.

Something remarkable is simply something worth of attention or acknowledgement. It is something worthy of a comment.

A Life Worth Remark is about intentional living. It is about living on purpose, with purpose. It is about establishing principles for your life and then living by them. It is about seeking a community that helps you do that. It is about choosing to be counter-cultural sometimes. This is a life that is remarkable.

A remarkable life is not necessarily one that is wildly successful, outrageously adventurous, or absurdly productive. A remarkable life is one that makes an impact on somebody.

Now that is worth remarks.

I hope to live a remarkable life, a life that is worthy of remarks. I believe that at its core a remarkable life, a life worth remark, is a life of principle and a life of impact.

A Life Worth Remark is an opportunity for me to offer commentary on faith, family, and whatever else life throws my way. It is a chance to offer coaching in areas of life I am uniquely equipped and passionate about. It is an avenue to share wisdom and resources that I have held onto in life.

Join me on this journey of living a life of impact, a life worth remark.


30 Things Before 30